You only get one chance to make a good impression

When it comes to selling your property, appearances matter. Prospective buyers want a home that they can see themselves in, so it really pays to create an environment that is appealing, welcoming, and stylish yet approachable.

Why Should You Stage Your Home for Sale?

Staging can make a big difference when it comes to selling your home quickly and for the top dollar. A survey by the International Association of Home Staging Professionals indicates staging helps homeowners sell their properties from 3 to 30 times faster than other comparable homes that are not staged. And, according to a 2021 survey by the Real Estate Staging Association, sellers who invest about 1% of the sale price in hiring a professional stager saw a 7% return on investment.

In a recent research study on home staging, the National Association of Realtors® (NAR) revealed the following:

  • 40% of buyers’ agents cited that home staging had an effect on most buyers’ view of the home

  • 82% of buyers’ agents said staging a home made it easier for a buyer to visualize the property as a future home.

  • 70% of buyers said they would sacrifice square footage for a move-in ready home.

  • 22% of sellers’ agents reported an increase of 1-5% in dollar value offered by buyers, 17% reported an increase of 6-10%, 5% reported an increase of 11-15% and 2% reported an increase of 16-20%. In fact, no sellers' agents reported a negative impact from home staging.

What Is Home Staging?

Bathroom remodel

Staging is the process of transforming a property into an environment that is aesthetically pleasing and appealing to buyers. Sometimes, real estate staging is the final push buyers need to help them envision a home as “theirs.” While not every home needs a complete décor overall, stagers often have a few tried and true tips: remove personal items, stick to neutrals, declutter, and help buyers see the potential of your home by adding storage and versatile spaces. 

Staging is more than just furniture and throw pillows. Stagers can provide a full suite of services, such as:

  • Decluttering

  • Deep cleaning

  • Flooring repair & replacement

  • Interior & exterior painting

  • Landscaping

  • Electrical & plumbing

  • Kitchen & bath improvements

  • Custom closets

  • Cosmetic renovations

How Much Does Staging Cost?

Dining room

Simply put, staging costs as much or as little as you want it to. Some homes need very little to make them shine — perhaps just some decluttering, a fresh coat of paint, and a deep clean. Others may involve more intensive measures, such as refinishing floors, landscaping, or even actual construction to bring the property up to health and safety standards.

Of course, staging is technically never required, but anything you can do to improve the appearance of the property will have a positive impact on buyer perception, and that typically translates into a higher sale price. We will work with you to find a balance of cost to benefit to ensure that you’re applying your dollars where they matter most.

Do I Have to Pay for Staging Out of Pocket?

No! With Compass Concierge, you can make the necessary home improvements so it looks its absolute best, with no up-front costs, no interest, and no hassle. Here’s how it works:

  1. We will collaborate with you to identify which services can increase your home’s value the most and set an estimated budget.

  2. When you're ready to start, we will be by your side and help you engage vetted, trustworthy vendors and commission the work.

  3. Once the transformation is complete, we prepare marketing materials, and your home will go on the market, ready for its close-up.

  4. The services are paid for out of escrow at the time of closing.

Ready to make your property shine? Let’s get started.